Google’s Matt Cutts released another video this one tries to answer how to remove a penalty for bad link building over a period of time.
Specifically, if you know you hired a bad SEO who built bad links between a specific date range – how do you reverse the actions taken on your site for those bad link?
In short, Matt said, just disavow them or maybe even all the links built between the date range you hired the SEO company. He said if you had good links prior, then the easiest thing would be to disavow links acquired during the time you hired that SEO company.
Matt again said to use the disavow tool very aggressively, as we covered in our Google: Use The Disavow Tool Like A Machete & Not Fine-Toothed Comb.
He also side steps the question on Interflora only being penalized for 11 days.
Here is the video from Matt:
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